Begin With the End in Mind

One of my favorite sayings is “Begin With the End in Mind.”  I have used it frequently over my many years of working in various business and non-profit settings. When starting a project, assuming a new position, or even meeting new co-workers, I always remind myself to “Begin With the End in Mind.”  Embracing the term forces me to VISUALIZE THE OUTCOME I WANT, and then TAKE ACTION ALONG A SPECIFIC PATH aligned with that vision.

 Resolutions flow freely as we start a new year.  We say, oh yes, this year we will be better, do better, go farther, and achieve more.  It will be our year!  What resolutions have you made?  With the new year well on its way, what intentional actions have you taken to make your resolution a reality?   MOVING FROM SOMETHING WE RESOLVE TO DO, TO SOMETHING WE ACTUALLY DO, REQUIRES LASER-LIKE FOCUS ON THE GOAL, INTENTIONAL ACTION, COMMITMENT, AND SOMETIMES COURAGE.

Let’s break it down in two parts.

First, consider “THE END IN MIND.”  What is your “end?” Your destination?  What would you like to accomplish?  Be specific. Perhaps it is a better relationship with your boss, a special assignment, maybe a promotion, or a change in jobs altogether.  YOU MUST BE SPECIFIC.  Why?  Because once you know what you want, the next step is to take specific actions to get you there. I said SPECIFIC actions.  Can you see yourself having, being and doing the things you want?  YOU MUST SEE IT BEFORE YOU CAN HAVE IT! If you are unsure about what you want, or you cannot see yourself with it, you cannot have it.  Take some time, quiet time, just you with you, and come to terms with what you really want.

Now, BEGIN!  Begin the journey toward your vision — your goal.  MAKE THAT FIRST STEP, NO MATTER HOW SMALL. Whatever happens, do not take your eye off the goal.  Move with purpose.  Take intentional action.  For me, all goals seem more attainable when I break them into small pieces.  That is why I asked what you want next year, not the next 5 years.  For example, a promotion may not come next year.  However, you can start serious conversations with your boss about your next opportunity.  Ask what things you need to do to position yourself for that special assignment or promotion.  Then, immediately begin to do those things.   

Success on any front does not just happen.  Whether in a relationship, personal health and wellness, in a business, or in your career, success is the result of Vision, Planning, Intentional Action and Hard Work, and yes, a bit of Luck!

My wish for you is that this will be your best year ever.  Start now and make it happen!